The Staten Islander is currently closed for submissions.
For fiction, we want...
... fiction of any genre, especially with transgressive themes.
... up to 6,000 words.
For poetry, we want...
... original, inventive poetry that plays with the reader's expectations.
... something that ideally does not allude to the moon.
... up to three poems of any length, or one of significant length.
For reviews and essays, we want...
... well-written reviews of contemporary fiction, especially fiction put out by small/independent publishers.
... reviews of older fiction (i.e, before 1990) that you personally feel has been overlooked.
... up to 3,000 words.
... for essays, anything, as long as it's compelling and you have a point to make.
... up to 5,000 words, with exceptions made up to 8,000 if necessary.
For art, we want...
... anything at all, but it must be your own work.
All submissions should be sent to the following e-mail address:
Attach your submission as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf if submitting fiction, poetry, a review, or an essay. Attach art as a .png or .gif.
When submitting, include category (i.e, fiction) in brackets in the subject line along with the title and your name. Here’s an example: [FICTION] Storyname by Jane/John Doe
We regret to say that we’re not presently a paying market, as the magazine used to be during its heyday in the early ‘30s. For a more in-depth explanation as to why we cannot currently pay, look here.
We will never have a submission fee. If you do see us asking you for $5 to read your submission, put us out of our misery. Take us out back and shoot us. We’ll even give you the gun.
We encourage people from all backgrounds, countries, and lifestyles to submit. Whether you’re a postal worker from Mechanicsburg, a bum from Sarajevo, or a single mother from Birmingham, we want to read your work!
If you have ever been published by our more financially solvent rival, whose name we won’t stain our lips by saying, please indicate this in the body of your submission e-mail so that we can decline your work as quickly as possible.